Benefits of Training
Self training has always been an option and many people are able to learn successfully this way. Most choose to self train due to cost savings, but I have seen time and time again where this savings is eaten way slowly as equipment becomes damaged repeatedly.
Professional training will help to greatly accelerate the learning curve and will help to protect your investment made into equipment.
We teach under the USPPA syllabus because we believe it offers a well rounded and comprehensive curriculum. We have over a decade of aviation experience in certified aircraft and years of experience in the paramotor community. We have worked with dozens of students and we are always excited to share this amazing sport!
Join us at Air Capital PPG. We have an amazing community of active pilots and we would love to have one more!
Training Progression
Ground handling, also known as kiting, is the core skill of the sport. The major portion of training before first flights happens here.
Once kiting is mastered, the new student is able to take flight using our purpose built pay-in tow winch allowing flights up to 1200 feet in length! This is where the student gets their first taste of flight, is able to learn the controls in air, and can practice landings without the risk of damage to equipment.
Motor kiting is another essential milestone. Very similar to the ground handing previously mastered, motor kiting brings its own complexity.
After that, its on to first flights where we begin to hone your skills in the air! there is a lot to be learned including pitch oscillation dampening, roll oscillation dampening, trimmer usage, speed bar usage, and spot landings to name a few.

Training Costs
At Air Capital PPG, we believe training should be affordable. Training from day 1 until you complete your PPG2 is $2,250. If you buy a paramotor and wing through us, we are happy to drop the price to only $1,750.
Training occurs most often on weekday evenings and weekends. Typically we are able to meet 2 to 3 times a week depending on weather.
More than just a school
Air Capital PPG has grown into a social/flying club as much as it is a school. Our group consists of professional pilots, professional welders, engineers, artists, programmers, farmers, students and much much more. If you are local to the area and are already and accomplished paramotor pilot, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to meet up and fly! If you are an aviation enthusiast and just want to check out another form of aviation, please do not hesitate either! We would love to hear from you.